My monthly report on Abyei is up. Read it here, or below the fold.
More Small Arms Survey Reports on Abyei
New Onsite essays
I have two new essays in Onsite. A review of the exhibition on Dirt at the Wellcome Collection in London, and a reportage about rubbish in Juba, South Sudan.
Moral Conquest: visiting the Wellcome Collection. Onsite 26: Dirt. Fall Issue 2011.
Burning the future. Onsite 26: Dirt. Fall Issue 2011.
New Small Arms Survey Report on Abyei
Guardian op-ed: Breaking the cycle of violence in Sudan
On 18 August, at least 600 died in Uror county, Jonglei state, as Murle raiders attacked Lou Nuer villagers, in the latest in a series of raids and tit-for-tat attacks between the two groups that have left more than 1,000 dead since February. In grisly but illuminating symmetry, the UN said that around 26,000 cattle were stolen and 26,800 people displaced in the latest series of clashes.
Creating Facts on the Ground: Conflict Dynamics in Abyei
My working paper for Small Arms Survey has now been published. You can read it here.
Op-ed in La Croix
Lecture at Perdu on immigration in Europe
On 27 May 2011 I gave a lecture (via Skype) at the wonderful theatre Perdu, in Amsterdam, where I have fond memories of watching Die Große Stille. You can see the lecture here, or below the fold.
Armed Entities in South Kordofan
Risk of Conflict in the Three Areas
I have a new summary up of the risk of conflict in the Three Areas. Read it here.
Militarization in Abyei
Abyei. June 2011
New article in Onsite
I have a short essay in Onsite, a beautifully put-together Canadian architectural review. My essay looks at urban planning in Juba, and is called...
Animal Cities. Onsite 25: Identity. Spring Issue. The magazine is available here.
New Small Arms Survey updates
Annalemma short story: "When the War Began"
Guardian Comment: Sudan's proxy war may escalate
Washington Monthly article leads to Senate inquiry
At the beginning of the month, Meg Stalcup and I published an article in the Washington Monthly. It analyzes the unregulated explosion of counterterrorism trainers in America. Building off sham qualifications and a very dubious knowledge of Islam, they capitalize on America's fear, and teach law enforcement tactics that will neither help them fight terrorism, nor build good relations with the Muslim community they should be serving. You can read the article here. The Nation Institute Investigative Fund, who funded our investigation, has a good round-up of the reaction to the story in the sidebar here.
Yesterday, Senators Susan Collins and Joe Lieberman started a Senate inquiry into counterterrorism training, quoting the article.
I never thought I would say this, but thank you Joe Lieberman.
New Small Arms Survey update
Guardian Comment on post-referendum Sudan
The Aloysha Show
I made my first fleeting appearance on television, on the Aloysha Show, where I explained some of the findings of our Washington Monthly article on counterterrorism training for American law enforcement. It begins at 53 minutes. I am clearly not made for television.